Last Friday;
planned to watch Knowing but ended up spending time in Ecm
went to explore at the third floor hahhha
spent most of the time talking laughing while sitting at the side of the stage
let the pics talk im lazy
lunch at Black Canyonphoto machine
Reuel kept on nagging us for making him sissy hahaha
damn annoying ;p ;pthe outcome :D :Descalator! this photo looks very the wrongggg i find this very funny XDleft; mine. right; reuel's!
too big for me.too small for him! XD XDJr turning me into a lala hhahahain car waiting
i like this the most heheeh
went to explore at the third floor hahhha
spent most of the time talking laughing while sitting at the side of the stage
let the pics talk im lazy
lunch at Black Canyonphoto machine
Reuel kept on nagging us for making him sissy hahaha
damn annoying ;p ;pthe outcome :D :Descalator! this photo looks very the wrongggg i find this very funny XDleft; mine. right; reuel's!
too big for me.too small for him! XD XDJr turning me into a lala hhahahain car waiting
i like this the most heheeh