AVRIL LAVIGNE is a perfecto!! (n.n)

.avril's dirty little secrets.
she was born in year 1984, 27th of september.
she is best known as 'skater punk'.
her birth name is Avril Ramona Lavigne.
she is a Canadian.
she is 5'4'' tall.
her astrological sign in Libra.
Avril's hair color is blonde.
her eyes color are blue.
her hobbies are writing songs, skateboarding and singing.
her third album, The Best Damn Thing.
the first single is Girlfriend.
her favorite colors are black & red.
her favorite song from her second album, Under My Skin is Together.
her favorite song in 'Let Go', her first album, is Losing Grip.
Avril's dogie's name is Samuel, it is a miniature schnauzer.
Avril refuses to do lip-sync, she always sings live.
her ex band mates are Evan Taubenfeld and Jesse Colburn.
her favorite candy is Pixe Stix.
Avril taught herself to play guitar using her dad's guitar.
Juno Awards: Best Single, Best Album and Best New Artist, 2003.
Avril won Video Music Awards: New Artist in a Video, Complicated, 2002.
her favorite brands of clothes are Dickies and Osiris (shoes).
about her name : Avril means April; La means The; Vigne means Vine.
Avril's favorite music videos are her own video 'sk8ter boi' , another one 'complicated', and Blink 182's 'All The Small Things' & 'Rock Show'.
Avril's favorite actress is Sandra Bullock.
her favorite movies are Miss Congeniality & 8 Mile.
her favorite actor is Tobey Maguire.
Avril's favorite food is pizza with a lot of olives.

i love AVRIL LAVIGNE! ♥ ♥ ♥
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