whatthefuck is with this? man I went so freaking pissed when I was told this. and that ruined my mood for the whole entire day! grrr! I so feel like biting and scratching people now! no I feel like killing people! D:
at the same time, I feel damn sad lor. they freaking disabled my freaking account when I'm freaking addicted to their freaking pet society game. my pet, nini has achieved popular pet wey! although shes still very poor. but who cares larh. and I'm so addicted on buying the mystery box! because you'll never know what you're getting until you freaking open it. but now I don't have the chance to open my mystery box anymore!

but when I think again, it's a good thing too. (wtf is wrong with me) since 2009 is kind of a big year for me. PMR man. without my Facebook account (@#$%&*^&$%!), I can study more. ;((((((((((
but besides Pet Society, I wonder what else I'm so unsatisfied for. mhm
anyhoo I'm still very unsatisfied! even until today! *swear you administrator 99!* D:
I'll get over it soon, I guess. If I get to receive the email.
oh oh fyi as well.
there'll be a Jonas Brothers concert on DisneyChannel tonight at 9.30pm! must watch eyh!
will be celebrating New Year Eve at home tonight with the family. don't have the freaking mood to go out. hmph! plus I'm having period cramp. D:
at the same time, I feel damn sad lor. they freaking disabled my freaking account when I'm freaking addicted to their freaking pet society game. my pet, nini has achieved popular pet wey! although shes still very poor. but who cares larh. and I'm so addicted on buying the mystery box! because you'll never know what you're getting until you freaking open it. but now I don't have the chance to open my mystery box anymore!
seeeeeee shes so adorable!

but when I think again, it's a good thing too. (wtf is wrong with me) since 2009 is kind of a big year for me. PMR man. without my Facebook account (@#$%&*^&$%!), I can study more. ;((((((((((
but besides Pet Society, I wonder what else I'm so unsatisfied for. mhm
anyhoo I'm still very unsatisfied! even until today! *swear you administrator 99!* D:
I'll get over it soon, I guess. If I get to receive the email.
oh oh fyi as well.
there'll be a Jonas Brothers concert on DisneyChannel tonight at 9.30pm! must watch eyh!
will be celebrating New Year Eve at home tonight with the family. don't have the freaking mood to go out. hmph! plus I'm having period cramp. D:
2008 is not a good year after all.