GO WATCH THIS VIDEO! must must must!
went to TC with aunt from KL after having dinner at grandma's house. walked around and saw people singing and all. went to the seaside to have our own jumping shots hahaha but almost all of them failed
jump shots 

don't wanna get scoldings!
jeh jeh horrrrrr?

which is today
went ECmall at around 1.30pm with Tiffie. thought of having lunch there but both of us weren't hungry at that moment so we just berkongsi kongsi a plate of salad and a glass of drink instead. very sweet kan? hahha
the fruit punch she ordered. too fruity for me.

which is today
went ECmall at around 1.30pm with Tiffie. thought of having lunch there but both of us weren't hungry at that moment so we just berkongsi kongsi a plate of salad and a glass of drink instead. very sweet kan? hahha
Black Canyon's.

Jr, Wk, Sx reached after that and we did some window shopping there, except for Jr who bought a tennis racquet handgrip and a nike bottle.
then we went to Starbucks. Jr's treat!
bought 2 drinks and got one free, good kan? haha actually it's because he'd already got 10 signatures.
halfway drinking/gossiping/laughing, Jr and I went to look for Osmond, because we wanted to know about the date. Jr heard that its before holiday while I heard that it's during holiday
so we walked all the way up to 2nd floor. halfway there, went to the washroom because I couldn't tahan anymore hahahhaha and when we reached there, he wasn't there
so basically we went all the way there only for washrooms. what a walk
the free small green tea blended cream. spot me spot me! i was covered by Jr's hand btw. 
peeking at each other.

very colourful kan? 
why was I sitting so far away u ask? haha
*inside jokes*

Wk! the photo of the day HAHA
he didn't know I was taking his picture
but at the same time he was laughing, that's why.

alright gotta sleep now.
gonna wake up early tomorrow morning for the PIBG thingy.
gonna skip tennis with Evonne and all again
nights! xx
halfway drinking/gossiping/laughing, Jr and I went to look for Osmond, because we wanted to know about the date. Jr heard that its before holiday while I heard that it's during holiday
looking at the photo album. memories!

*inside jokes*

he didn't know I was taking his picture
but at the same time he was laughing, that's why.

went for tennis with sister and lichie after that. Jr tagged along too but then he went home VERY early
we went back home at 8pm. had jelly ice at Cherish after youngest sister finished her lesson at Kumon. and I think TC's is much better than Cherish
alright gotta sleep now.
gonna wake up early tomorrow morning for the PIBG thingy.
gonna skip tennis with Evonne and all again
nights! xx