Transformer 2 was REALLY good! I'm so in love with robots now HHAHAHA! no just kidding, I mean I'm so in love with Shia LaBeouf! he looks so good! and Megan is so hot! I feel like watching it over again! haha!

I didn't really watch it from the beginning, we were late. we were so busy talking at Starbucks that we freaking forgot the time. rushed to the cinema like mad people. thank god we didn't miss out much heh. the hall was so packed with people! saw lots of familiar faces, all Transformer fans eh? haha!
didn't get to sleep late this morning due to St John Annual Inspection. It's suppose to be a sleep-until-12pm day! both Saturday & Sunday are. but last/this week, both tak jadi. school replacement on Saturday, which is yesterday. & St John this morning. boohoo tomorrow is another schooling day, can't sleep late. hate waking up in early morning *pouts* tomorrow morning having assembly some more *pouts again*
anyway, life still goes on! *continue pouting*

Suzzane listening to MJ's song with Shar's phone haha

Suzzane eating lolipop while listening to MJ's songs.

retard eating lolipopppppp

I'm starting to miss Transformer2! feeling damn syok watching it haha!
owe u big time