back from Gambang this afternoon. I'd tried staying awake for 24 hours before, but I had never been this sleepy, so sleepy that I could fall asleep anytime soon lol. alright I shall start telling from the very beginning.
woke up at 9 something yesterday morning. did the last minute packing and went to Reuel's at 10. Reuel and his parents went there earlier to get all the stuffs settled before us. gathered at Reuel's and went there by van. the apartment was much more better than what I'd expected, it has 2 rooms, looks sort of like hotel rooms. spent sometime there talking in the room with the girls while the guys played PS2 outside. changed and walked to the water park at around 2.30. had lots of fun playing at the slides especially the one we 7 people played together, which I don't know what it's called : for me that was the best of all haha. went through the journey of ice or whatever it's named for a few times because we had nothing else to do. spent quite sometime at the coco beach resting except for Reuel & WK because they were the one who weren't on the floats but in the water helping us with the floats :p Suexian got dizzy because of the 'waves' so we decided to go back.
bathe and waited for dinner time to arrive while munching on snacks we bought. In the meantime we played Monopoly, PS2, camwhored, talked/shared secrets. after everyone got all hungry we went to the restaurant and had our dinner. there was practically only a few people there eating other than us, very quiet indeed. and the food was..not so good. after dinner the guys went for a few rounds of pool while we girls went to Kbox to sing. and the songs there are actually quite new! it's 1buck per song and we sang around 7 / 8 songs.. I forgot. the guys joined too after pool, they sang Linkin Park's, went mad after all the screaming and shouting in the It's a box rightt. It was raining when we were about to leave so we waited for awhile before going back to our apartment.
played Monopoly again and it was quite fun at first. then I started to get sleepy.. something happened and gone very quickly. thanks to Reuel Chan, the wise one hahaha. I never know that Reuel is so knowledgeable! :p he actually answered most of our questions and told us about the 3L hhahahahaha. so nice talking to him, and JR too. when's the next chance? :d planned to go watch sunrise at 6.30 but we accidentally fell asleep at around 6 and missed sunrise! hahaha. Reuel said he didn't want to wake us up because we were sleeping soundly. then I woke up at 8 in shock to see the sky so bright, Suexian woke up, talked to me and slept back again. when she was awake again she actually forgot that we talked! lol
everyone slept most in the morning, especially Bryan & JR. since they were sleeping and WK wasn't feeling well, so only we girls and Reuel went for the free breakfast and bought some cookies back for WK. when we got back from breakfast Bryan & JR were still sleeping, JR look damn cute lor when he sleeps! XD XD! WK basically took pictures of everyone sleeping, too bad I promised not to post them up here. after packing all our stuffs, we checked out at 12. played games at lobby while waiting for our van to be there. didn't manage to finish that game though, we didn't have enough time. fell asleep during the journey back to Kuantan. back home and after bathing I fell asleep again, lying on the floor. clever much?
the thing that I'm not satisfied on was - not having a water proof camera! :(
how awesome would it be if we had one?
definitely we'll have thousands of pictures taken :p
photos are still in the camera, will be uploaded soon ;)
have fun reading teehee!pictures

in the van. otw to gambang

arrival :D

our shirts match! hahaha:p


in our room

first thing we did was..

pillow talked! XD see my pillow? lolol

and camwhored

back from water park. she looks so cute here haha

still wet.

only us 5 because Bryan & Reuel went for a swim at the pool.

choco chips! loveeee

sharmin looks adorable! ha!

love this one. and to be honest, JR isn't that tall in real life :pppppp

cookies! :D