In my dictionary June had always been classified as the most interesting month of the year. Because of birthdays, 2 weeks break which are never empty, my birth month ;p etcetc!
2011's June had definitely highlighted my form 5 life, so many happenings and fun! Attended Glamfame, organised IU Night, skipping classes for 2 weeks for choir practices, choir competition, and so on. June had been a really hectic month but with a lot of fun!

& it was the BFF Suexian's birthday! Surprised her with a cake at Tea Time.

My birthday! Thank you so much for planning the surprise, I was really surprised to see all of you there! Honestly I was expecting something but I wasn't expecting for thaaaat! Could have given a bigger and more exaggerated reaction if I wasn't on the phone! Boo phonecallsatwrongtiming. Thank you so much for the presents I love you guys so much :3
Choir competition! So thrilled we got to be the champion! I shall say, it's been a long time since I last felt this kind of exciting chill :) Reminds me of year 2009, so much memories!