Thursday, May 8, 2008

bad things happen.

had major stomachache in the middle of the night, at around 3. my stomach started aching that i could barely sleep, not even few minutes. no matter how i lie on the bed , sit or stand, i still feel the pain. i threw up quite some times and i felt very shit. finally i couldn't stand the pain anymore. dad brought me to the hospital, waited for the doctor in the emergency room. that reminded me about something. I've been there few years ago, stomachache but different parts. i admitted to hospital that time, for few days.
doctor finally came out. hes a malay doctor, wearing sarung in the hospital. when he came out from his room with a sleepy face i was like, wtf ? i so wished to request for a chinese doctor. ishh. he suspected food poisoning and asked to go back there in the morning if i still didn't feel better after taking the medicine. he asked me to stand up and walk, if i couldn't walk normally then i'll need to admit to the hospital. of course la i forced myself to walk, i don't want to get into the hospital room again, its baaaaaaaaaaad. waited for the nurse to take me my medicine and i was shivering due to the coldness in the hospital. luckily i brought my sweater.
i threw up again in the car, was feeling really bad. ate medicine and the pain decreased. finally i can get some sleep. i felt , normal again. ate medicine again this morning, after breakfast. thank god i don't need to stay at the hospital. i totally forgot about Nicky due to the stomachache. :( she seems very nice this morning, she didn't jump for food. hah shes getting cuter and cuter ! :D

tiff is coming over to study later. :)

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