23.09.2007 st.john AGM nitex! =) was having a great time there. ^^ st.john rocks. =D
firstly, girlfriends' pix! =P photo wid ap penolong ketua. ^^ before the program started. girls chatting. female's toilet was flooded, went to male's toilet. =x as it was empty. xD
raney in male's toilet.
sketch performance. i dun rili understand what were they trying to perform. lolz i love umbrella dance n chair dance! =P ultraman dance was funny. but i didnt record them down. ish~
fashion show~! =D
beach wear.
i know its far but i love it! too bad i have not enough time to run to the front. lolx
macarena dance! haha i recorded the dance. lol wanted to add it in here but i waited for such a long time, havent finish loading yet. -.- i give up la. xP
st.johners watching the dance.
photos taken after agm..
me & simsim. =P raney, me & mura. ejet, toong & me. ^^ mun qwan, me suetyen, raney, me.
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