hers is a male. haha

'surprise!' =D

syok huh? =P

guess suetyen was very happy? haha. i hope so. =D
went megamall to watch the orchestra? whatever..held by khoo academy. 28-hours non-stop.
cool. started from 2pm yesterday and ended at 6 this evening. :)
went there with tiff n mun qwan at 8 something. we wanted to go parkson first.
but we went delifrance first..and so, we have not enough time to go parkson, and it was closed.
nevermind, we planned to go after final exam. ^^
we watched evonne performed. great one evonne! =D
photos photos!

but drinks are still nice. :)

pity me. she's like my daughter. LOL
she's my sister laa. =P

tomorrow will be an important day! the first day of final exam.
grrrr* i cant remember what i've studied! result will be a piece of shit!
was studying just now, plus playing with the camera. lol
snap down what i wrote in mickey book. teehee

LMAO! i must study!!! but i still have alot of stuff i havent start reading.
tipsy from friends.

after seeing this photo, cheered me up. :D

grab my sis n took a photo.

off to study~! wish me luck for tomorrow. :)
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