opening of ECM and i went in the afternoon. I was like walking naked in Genting, its freaking cold inside. met few friends, bought nothing for myself. didn't shop much since we had not enough time, plan to go after mid term exam. people, buy me something for there. hah :D bought donuts from Big Apple Donuts Coffee and someone, stranger, saw me and laughed because of the chocolate on my lips. lolol.
just ignore `
went to Reuel's house for the birthday party. had a lot of fun that night. talked a lot outside of the house and JR was helping everyone with the lamb. haha. laughed a lot. watched ah long ptw ltd, funny movie. but tiffany and I didnt managed to finish watching that movie, because it was 12 plus already. how i wish we could stay longer and had some more fun. :) i bet it would be the best if all of us could sleep over there. sadly i have choir practise in the next morning. theres always another chance i know. hah ;D

yea its labour day and i went out again. went to starbucks to meet up with them. bought a piece of cake for Reuel. haha. wanted to watch movie and tickets couldn't be booked. megamall turned to be a really bored place already. so we decided to go back to Reuel's place and watch ghost movie. yea its in the afternoon so none of us really felt scared. and i seriously don't know what the movie was talking about. I don't even know whats the name of the movie. lol. but we still had fun hiding behind the pillow together. hahaha. wanted to go out for drinks again but was getting late already and we had tuition at night so we didn't make it. no more outings since then i guess. mom asked to study. exam is really close already and i havent started revising yet. not even a page. someone please revise with me lah, its god damn bored lor revising alone in the house. i need a accompany ! ;D
java chip. me love ! :D
the piece of cake. hah
JR looks nice in that top . haha.
he was playing with tiff's bangle.
everyone got bored after the movie. me on the massage chair. :D Rufus playing laptop, Reuel watching tv, WK scratching ? haha

currently webcam-ing with JR.
I'm done here ! :)

he was playing with tiff's bangle.

currently webcam-ing with JR.
I'm done here ! :)
signing off with loves. xo
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