after so much of walking, screaming, laughing, we finally reached the beach ! :D felt damn hungry once we reached there, didn't take my breakfast that morning. wanted to have our breakfast at Hoi Yin but it was so packed. we couldn't wait any longer, all starving like hell. so we decided to go for KFC. bored of McD already and there wasn't any other restaurant there. the KFC so called chicken porridge is the worst porridge that I'd ever had ! do not go for it. i repeat. do not ever go to KFC and order their porridge ! i almost vomitted after eating it. -_-
sat on the sand and chatted for awhile. then to McD for a drink. we 5 people shared a drink. hahah and kept on requesting for refill. then all of us went home by Suzzane's car. 4 person squeezing at the back, BiBi was there too, so its actually 5 of us.

it was interact installation day. went to school at 4.30, met up with Raney & Mok. the decoration in the hall is nice, me likey ! :D the performances was fine. the food was, um not so good, for me. I wonder how EuChen ate so much. hahahah :P having major sore throat again. I wonder if it is because of the helium gas. lolol it just got worse so much that night, in a sudden, after sucking 2 balloons of helium gas. tried so much times but only succeeded once i think. :( I'm getting fisherman's friend later, its a must do for today ! hahah anyway this year's installation was a blast. :D
recorded the first 2 dances. but blogger upload videos damn slow. grr
Eve & Samantha singing Bleeding Love. :)

Sam's voice damn cute lor after sucking the helium gas. haha !

they were suppose to be all up there. haha

the left one was Mok. and Eva was on the right. hah :D
all grabbing for balloons.

gosh. i'm the shortest. -_-

showing off Joel's name tag. haha

i stood on the chair just to take this photo for them.
see so nice of me. cheh XD

going to get fisherman's friend now. ta ! :D
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