and they do taste good! but look not quite good though :(
school has been real good, especially today during our moral periods in computer lab. 3 classes of non-Muslim people playing in there. and now everyone is playing with the pikachu volleyball game! hahaha It' started when Desmond and I talked about this game in class. then they somehow got to play this game in the computer lab. everyone was competing each other in this! :D and I beat Edmund Kwa up! bwahahaha! damn syok lah laughed all the way there and kept on going to different computers for this game.
we had audition for choir today. damn kan cheong! I was actually shaking in front of the judges during my turn to sing! and I freaking forgot the lyrics.. :( and all of them told me my ears were red when I came out from the room. and I realised that everyone did as well! hahahahaha!
Last week
Friday ;
Raney's 15th birthday! :)
went to school in the afternoon for basketball, then to the night market.
went Just Relax cafe at night around 10.30pm, with Raney, Jasmine, Euchen, JunYuan & KaiYi. I was the latest one to reach. :) I think we were the noisiest among all the people there hahahhaa ;P gave Raney her present. I chose one ar damn chio okay and I'm also in love with it hahah I hope you like it lah woman oops GIRL :P

it's either, all not ready yet.

someone got cut off from the picture (obviously it's Euchen)

because theres light. hmm

lots of his photos in my camera. complaint banyak on the photos. -_-

Saturday ;
went to Secret Recipe for dinner at night with Jia Rock and Suzzane. the others couldn't make it. :( walked to Popular after dinner as Suzzane needed to buy something for her class. what a responsible student :P Jia Rock also bought some reference books for revision(konon :P :P). Met Mok there with her sister, met her quite some times these few days. and also Evelyn and friends, I didn't get to look all of them :x
JiaRock the sissy's handbag :P
Eiap Sue Xian,
would you ever give me a nice photo?
same goes to Ow Jia Rock!
damn secocok la you two HAHAHAhAHA
but at least Jia Rock gave me this.
unlike Suzzane. :P
and this was Suzzane laughing at us?
sometimes I really do admire those people.
for having what I've been wishing for long time.
why is the world so bloody unfair?
went to Secret Recipe for dinner at night with Jia Rock and Suzzane. the others couldn't make it. :( walked to Popular after dinner as Suzzane needed to buy something for her class. what a responsible student :P Jia Rock also bought some reference books for revision(konon :P :P). Met Mok there with her sister, met her quite some times these few days. and also Evelyn and friends, I didn't get to look all of them :x

would you ever give me a nice photo?

damn secocok la you two HAHAHAhAHA

unlike Suzzane. :P

sometimes I really do admire those people.
for having what I've been wishing for long time.
why is the world so bloody unfair?
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