was suppose to wake up at 8.30 but ended waking up at 9.30am. went to buy all the things for steamboat with mom. went to Tiff's house at 12, I was very punctual! :D ate some apple crumble, it was her sister's birthday btw. waited for Mun Qwan then we started talking talking and talking. had lunch over there. her mom's cooking damn sedap okay! yes first time trying her mom's cooking. then we started playing mahjong. her aunt came and her uncle brought 2 puppies, Rottweiler! damn cute! the fur damn soft! eeeeee I wanna touch them again! heeheheheh
Mun Qwan went back at 2 because she got somewhere else to go *very busy girl ahah* Tiff and I continue playing (new game! 2 people's mahjong hahaha) then invited her aunt to join us play for a few rounds. her aunt went back, then again we invited her mom to play with us haha. her mom kept on winning and I only won a few times! luckily we didn't gamble or else I would lose all my properties already! (although I don't have any -_-)
played mahjong until around 4.30 and went back. I'm addicted to mahjong already! oh yea talking about addicts, there was a lot of addicts in her house that day, Pet Society addicts, mahjong addicts, Rottweiler addict and lala addicts! hahaha lala as in the food la okay. the sedap ones! :D
at night they came to my house for steamboat. I seriously zadou lor when Suzzane and Sharmin both told me they were not coming, at the same time some more! but at the end they both came lol after eating then we gamble gamble non stop. Tiff came at 11 something because her house was having something for her sister's birthday celebration. they went home around 12
it was an exhausting day! ( very nice ending for my essay kan? hahahahaha)
Tiffany's place;
Tiff's sister, the birthday chick :)

my place;
all time favourite hahaha

School's on tomorrow! :O
undone homeworks on my table, untouched for a week! :O
die! :O
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