had an interview for the AFS program this morning. gosh I was being so nervous! some more the air conditioner there was so cold! the individual interview was, well not THAT bad. just that I couldn't answer some about-Geography questions. FYI, I'd never get an A for my Geography before. you get the idea.
we had a short sketch for the group interview, a REALLY short one. I think we didn't even make it up to 5 minutes, and our singing suck ass. the interviewers didn't even take a look at us, they just kept on writing on the piece of paper, like a total ignorant. we were like a bunch of monkeys fooling ourselves in front of them. anyways listening to the experiences from the returnees was really nice, we get to know about life in Japan and all, it was really fun. but no more hopes for me on getting the scholarship. I'm not really upset about that, I still have a few years. this year is just the first time, for experiencing. I'm so gonna go for it again next year:)
wookay! now, remember what I promised on the previous post about the fun day at the beach? well, I keep my promises very well *cheh HAHA

cleaning up after running to Hyatt under the sudden rain

pool time:)

JR yg bergaya HAHAHAH

walking to TC2 after pool

Suzzane before jumping on the rock haha

things started getting crazy haha

photo taken using phone. bad quality i know.

climbing on the rocks

finally reached. it took us freaking 45 minutes to reach there! nuts.
and heres the jump shots again heheeh

check out Suzzane's hair! :P

okieee i know i look weird

Suzzane sesat hahaa

this is the best among all
♥♥♥next, Li Wei's birthday at TC
been to TC quite often during the hols hehe

the best group picture is at Suetyen's camera

comel :P

no idea what we were doing but I find this funny haha

water level rises. its normally around the
pink arrow area.
symptoms of tsunami? :O

see the bubbles? :D

Adrian being bullied

searching for his slipper under the sand

limE didn't want to let me pull off his cap and the picture ended like that lol

limE looking like that because I stepped on his foot hahahha

jump shots again! :P
but a failed one hahah look at jordan lee XD

this is a good one! except my hair. remind me of durians hmm....

dancing with carmen hahahah
gazat the mermaid sunbathing :P

limE back to being a mysterious guy =.=

why sad face suetyen? look at jordan's expression hahahah

haha funny photo XD

suetyen carrying annie. limE running to make it into this photo.

next post, our first visit to the newly open karaoke place in Terumtum complex!
:D :D :D
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