went to attend my used to be English tutor, Emily's wedding party. she's now 25, for me it's a little too early, but she and her husband really make a good couple though, love their new house heh. all the best to both of them :)
spent half of the day going to 4 different places, tiring but fun heh :D
counting down, 7 days more until PMR and I'm getting nervous again. no matter how much of model papers I did, I just can't seem to have any improvement.. :( can't imagine what will my feelings be on PMR eve, wondering if I would fall asleep like usual or not falling asleep at all. I usually get stomachache when I'm nervous, hopefully it won't be happening right before my paper.
at the meantime, I'm feeling kind of excited, confusing I know! excited because I seriously can't wait for PMR to be over! can't imagine how much fun and so on, muahaha ;)
okay, so that's all about it.
having a break after school and trying to keep my blog updated heh!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
tagged by Jasmine
• 我的大名 : 曾瀅潁
• 我的生日 : 19/6/09
• 谁传给你的 : Jasmine
• 生日想得到什么礼物 : 新電話
• 近期压力大的事 : PMR!!!
• 想做的事 : 快點考完試然后玩 :P
• 有没有喜欢的人 : [害羞] XD!
• 同学会要回去找老师吗 : 要
• 跟谁出去最幸福 : 看去哪里
• 如果你的两个好友吵架了: 不知道要做什么
• 跟情人最想去哪 : 全部地方
• 圣诞节要做啥 : 慶祝啦
• 最想跟谁过圣诞节 : 朋友家人
• 有没有床气 : 什么是床氣?
• 有几个兄弟姐妹 : 1姐1妹
• 最喜欢的一首歌 : Two is better than one - Boys like Girls
• 喜欢什么颜色 : 全部
• 上厕所会不会后冲水 : 會
• 喜欢男生还是女生 : 兩個都可以 XD
• 最想大声说什么 : 我不要考試!!!
• 半夜敢不敢自己上厕所 : 自己家敢
• 最近看过最好看最欲罢不能的小说是什么: 很少看
• 谁很欠打 : 妹妹
• 现在很迷什么 : 電視劇
• 睡相很差 : 沒有看過 哈哈
• 现在的时间 : 3.50PM
• 是否痛恨传给你点卷的人 : 不會
• 今天天气 : 晴天
• 你若中乐透最想做什么 : 買我要的東西 / 旅行
• 大学生一定要玩的活动 : clubbing? lol
• 失眠后会 : 不曾失眠 XD
• 你睡觉有流口水的情况 : 有! 哈哈哈!
• 近期开心的事 : 和媽媽的約定
• 你经常通宵不睡吗 : 少
• 推荐一首最近很喜欢的歌 : The Static Age - Greenday
• 你能够和陌生人谈恋爱嘛? : 不可能!
• 自由对于你来说有多重要?: 5050
• 你人生中最想做的事情是什么 : 有很好的事業
• 你最想为所爱的人做什么?: er 煮飯 XD
附加问题: 你打算几时结婚啊?: 不要太早
附加问题: na~你觉得生活有喜感么 - 有
附加问题: 相不相信tarot - 沒有試過
睡觉前第一件事:- 聽歌
起床后第一件事:- 刷牙
你的偶像: 很多
你讨厌什么样的个性:煩, 自大
你常笑吗:每天 哈哈
都睡到几点:不喜歡遲醒, 也不會太早
现在幸福吗:嗯 幸福
最在乎那几个朋友: 你
喜欢吃的水果:草莓, 橙
最害怕别人问你什么:體重 XD!
舒克和贝塔喜欢哪个?:不喜歡 XP
自己眼中的理想收入是多少(实际一点)?: errrrrrr 不少過 8k
- 你的昵称是 :瀅潁
- 你对我的印象是 :開朗
- 你了解我 :還好
- 我了解你 :還好
- 这个问卷会让人更了解你 :不會
1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷。
2 。请老实回答每一问题
3 。不能擅自涂改题目。
4 。完后请通知那 3++ 位朋友他被点到了。
• 我的生日 : 19/6/09
• 谁传给你的 : Jasmine
• 生日想得到什么礼物 : 新電話
• 近期压力大的事 : PMR!!!
• 想做的事 : 快點考完試然后玩 :P
• 有没有喜欢的人 : [害羞] XD!
• 同学会要回去找老师吗 : 要
• 跟谁出去最幸福 : 看去哪里
• 如果你的两个好友吵架了: 不知道要做什么
• 跟情人最想去哪 : 全部地方
• 圣诞节要做啥 : 慶祝啦
• 最想跟谁过圣诞节 : 朋友家人
• 有没有床气 : 什么是床氣?
• 有几个兄弟姐妹 : 1姐1妹
• 最喜欢的一首歌 : Two is better than one - Boys like Girls
• 喜欢什么颜色 : 全部
• 上厕所会不会后冲水 : 會
• 喜欢男生还是女生 : 兩個都可以 XD
• 最想大声说什么 : 我不要考試!!!
• 半夜敢不敢自己上厕所 : 自己家敢
• 最近看过最好看最欲罢不能的小说是什么: 很少看
• 谁很欠打 : 妹妹
• 现在很迷什么 : 電視劇
• 睡相很差 : 沒有看過 哈哈
• 现在的时间 : 3.50PM
• 是否痛恨传给你点卷的人 : 不會
• 今天天气 : 晴天
• 你若中乐透最想做什么 : 買我要的東西 / 旅行
• 大学生一定要玩的活动 : clubbing? lol
• 失眠后会 : 不曾失眠 XD
• 你睡觉有流口水的情况 : 有! 哈哈哈!
• 近期开心的事 : 和媽媽的約定
• 你经常通宵不睡吗 : 少
• 推荐一首最近很喜欢的歌 : The Static Age - Greenday
• 你能够和陌生人谈恋爱嘛? : 不可能!
• 自由对于你来说有多重要?: 5050
• 你人生中最想做的事情是什么 : 有很好的事業
• 你最想为所爱的人做什么?: er 煮飯 XD
附加问题: 你打算几时结婚啊?: 不要太早
附加问题: na~你觉得生活有喜感么 - 有
附加问题: 相不相信tarot - 沒有試過
睡觉前第一件事:- 聽歌
起床后第一件事:- 刷牙
你的偶像: 很多
你讨厌什么样的个性:煩, 自大
你常笑吗:每天 哈哈
都睡到几点:不喜歡遲醒, 也不會太早
现在幸福吗:嗯 幸福
最在乎那几个朋友: 你
喜欢吃的水果:草莓, 橙
最害怕别人问你什么:體重 XD!
舒克和贝塔喜欢哪个?:不喜歡 XP
自己眼中的理想收入是多少(实际一点)?: errrrrrr 不少過 8k
- 你的昵称是 :瀅潁
- 你对我的印象是 :開朗
- 你了解我 :還好
- 我了解你 :還好
- 这个问卷会让人更了解你 :不會
1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷。
2 。请老实回答每一问题
3 。不能擅自涂改题目。
4 。完后请通知那 3++ 位朋友他被点到了。
Friday, September 18, 2009
G Forceeee
went watching movie this afternoon with the usual ones.
and it's actually pretty nice! better than the previous movie I watched ;p realized how adorable those guinea pigs are hehe. and all the gadgets in the movie are mad cool!
the guys went to buy some books from Popular and went over to Starbucks. this time we spent most of the time talking non stop. was actually talking about our plans on the after-PMR trip. I know I know! we should be studying instead of doing this but we're just too excited for it! :P the talking ended with no conclusion though. having some problems with our plans, no idea whether to go with or without tour. some parents may disagree on us going there by ourselves, since it's dangerous out there.. hopefully this trip works. anw we had a great time talking! I love talking together HAHAHAH :D
btw we 6 people squeezed in A car during the way back, with my mom and sister in as well. me and my sis on the front seat, them 5 people at the back. imagine that. dang this absolutely is a very nice experience on squeezing together. we could totally feel that the car was slightly slanting to the left side (because I was sitting at the left!!! XD) ok JK! it was Reuel who sat at the left!!! :pppp
the puppets. mad cute! played w them while waiting for the guys to pay.
like the bear, super innocent face! ha


paying attention to Reuel. never know my nose is that flat :|
sx posing. harrr didnt listen to Reuel - the planner ;p

them squeezing muahahaha! i think tiff wasn't even sitting on the sofa lol
and thats Reuel sitting on top of both JR and WK haha!
and that's about it.
had a great time with them :3
ending this post with Eiap Sue Xian! :p
we watched -
the guys went to buy some books from Popular and went over to Starbucks. this time we spent most of the time talking non stop. was actually talking about our plans on the after-PMR trip. I know I know! we should be studying instead of doing this but we're just too excited for it! :P the talking ended with no conclusion though. having some problems with our plans, no idea whether to go with or without tour. some parents may disagree on us going there by ourselves, since it's dangerous out there.. hopefully this trip works. anw we had a great time talking! I love talking together HAHAHAH :D
btw we 6 people squeezed in A car during the way back, with my mom and sister in as well. me and my sis on the front seat, them 5 people at the back. imagine that. dang this absolutely is a very nice experience on squeezing together. we could totally feel that the car was slightly slanting to the left side (because I was sitting at the left!!! XD) ok JK! it was Reuel who sat at the left!!! :pppp

and thats Reuel sitting on top of both JR and WK haha!
and that's about it.
had a great time with them :3
ending this post with Eiap Sue Xian! :p
Monday, September 14, 2009
GossipGirl S3
Is Gossip Girl S3 out yet??
I know I shouldn't be asking about it since PMR is around the corner but,
I just can't wait for it!!!!

Check out her puppy Penny!! effing adorable can!!!

must watchhhhhhhhhhh:]
the cast - looking better than before!
I personally think that Jessica/Vanessa looks gorgeous in the picture above!
Blair/Leighton looks good too. All of them look amazingly great!
hmmm BTW any idea on where to download them ?
I know I shouldn't be asking about it since PMR is around the corner but,
I just can't wait for it!!!!
I adore -
Check out her puppy Penny!! effing adorable can!!!

must watchhhhhhhhhhh:]
I personally think that Jessica/Vanessa looks gorgeous in the picture above!
Blair/Leighton looks good too. All of them look amazingly great!
hmmm BTW any idea on where to download them ?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Where Got Ghost
had a last minute plan on catching a movie.
we watched -
how's the movie you ask? no idea!
don't know whether should rate it good or bad. there are some parts in this movie which are really funny! I could hear everyone in the cinema laughing including me! still, there are some parts which could almost give me a heart attack. I wasn't expecting those scaring scenes lor! Isn't this a comedy?! suddenly 'BOO!' and everybody screamed, I could even hear a bunch of guys from the other side shouting! hahaha
went for some chat at Starbucks before going home.

SX peeking... XD
there's still a long list of movies I wanna watch! have to watch them after PMR. can't believe PMR is only few weeks to go, I'm so not done with the revising yet! although I want it to end quickly for all the coming up plans, but! I don't wanna get C for my history paper!! 4A3B1C for my trials. C for history again! not a good one. honestly I studied history more than I did for all the previous exam but still I got C. really work more on history. hmmmm
ANW, can't wait for PMR to be over! :pppp
we watched -
don't know whether should rate it good or bad. there are some parts in this movie which are really funny! I could hear everyone in the cinema laughing including me! still, there are some parts which could almost give me a heart attack. I wasn't expecting those scaring scenes lor! Isn't this a comedy?! suddenly 'BOO!' and everybody screamed, I could even hear a bunch of guys from the other side shouting! hahaha
went for some chat at Starbucks before going home.

there's still a long list of movies I wanna watch! have to watch them after PMR. can't believe PMR is only few weeks to go, I'm so not done with the revising yet! although I want it to end quickly for all the coming up plans, but! I don't wanna get C for my history paper!! 4A3B1C for my trials. C for history again! not a good one. honestly I studied history more than I did for all the previous exam but still I got C. really work more on history. hmmmm
ANW, can't wait for PMR to be over! :pppp
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Princess Protection Program! ♥
watched Princess Protection Program last night!
thanks to XT for telling me that it's showing at 1930 last night :)
Demi rocks big time!!
thanks to XT for telling me that it's showing at 1930 last night :)
Demi rocks big time!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
St John AGM 09
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
falling over me ♥
unlike what I'd expected, we actually had lots of fun back to school today. although it was like hell during history periods when most of us were dozing off zzz.
since Muslims are now fasting, most teachers weren't really teaching today, which is a good thing. and because of some other schools' Form3s are still having their trials, teachers are not allowed to give us back the question papers yet. so, we were basically talking all the time and I find that we are all damn good in talking haha! we talked so much that I can't even remember what our topics were now heh! :P
aaaaaaaand, I finally watched Up! and I finally can remember the little boy's name haha. neither me nor Xing Hui can remember his name until today I asked limE & JY. we had a hard time thinking too and limE was the one who got it first, Rusell! damn cute lor this boy, all the laughters were on him, well most of them.
walked to ECM after movie since we had nothing to do. thank god we went because we had the best time there! we should totally go together more often ha! ♥

while waiting for the photos to be printed ♥
we took twice because the first time we screwed up all the photos lol
cutting the photos
and choosing them ♥
this is when JY's car bumped into another car accidentally and made us wait at Raney's place for them to settle all the stuffs. JY's car was safe, but the other car was no good, the door kemet and the side mirror fell hanging there lol
since Muslims are now fasting, most teachers weren't really teaching today, which is a good thing. and because of some other schools' Form3s are still having their trials, teachers are not allowed to give us back the question papers yet. so, we were basically talking all the time and I find that we are all damn good in talking haha! we talked so much that I can't even remember what our topics were now heh! :P
aaaaaaaand, I finally watched Up! and I finally can remember the little boy's name haha. neither me nor Xing Hui can remember his name until today I asked limE & JY. we had a hard time thinking too and limE was the one who got it first, Rusell! damn cute lor this boy, all the laughters were on him, well most of them.
walked to ECM after movie since we had nothing to do. thank god we went because we had the best time there! we should totally go together more often ha! ♥

this is when JY's car bumped into another car accidentally and made us wait at Raney's place for them to settle all the stuffs. JY's car was safe, but the other car was no good, the door kemet and the side mirror fell hanging there lol
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