we watched -
the guys went to buy some books from Popular and went over to Starbucks. this time we spent most of the time talking non stop. was actually talking about our plans on the after-PMR trip. I know I know! we should be studying instead of doing this but we're just too excited for it! :P the talking ended with no conclusion though. having some problems with our plans, no idea whether to go with or without tour. some parents may disagree on us going there by ourselves, since it's dangerous out there.. hopefully this trip works. anw we had a great time talking! I love talking together HAHAHAH :D
btw we 6 people squeezed in A car during the way back, with my mom and sister in as well. me and my sis on the front seat, them 5 people at the back. imagine that. dang this absolutely is a very nice experience on squeezing together. we could totally feel that the car was slightly slanting to the left side (because I was sitting at the left!!! XD) ok JK! it was Reuel who sat at the left!!! :pppp

and thats Reuel sitting on top of both JR and WK haha!
and that's about it.
had a great time with them :3
ending this post with Eiap Sue Xian! :p
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