First day;
left Kuantan at 9am and reached Seremban at around 2pm, were late for the registration period which ended at 12pm, took our quick lunch and joined the others in the hall. Late comers have to be separated because most tables were already taken by other schools, I joined a table with 7 girls from SMK Assunta PJ and 2 boys from PJ as well, I don't remember which school. They were friendly, and nice to talk to :) First day was all about talks.
Second day;
woke up on time at 6am, bathe and put on the DIC shirt they gave us on the first day for the opening ceremony. All of us 830 interactors went on stage to take a group photo after the opening ceremony, imagine the crowd situation! I doubt if I can even see myself in the photo. We had the sessions again afterwards, I thought we were gonna have some outdoor activities but there were all talks...! Some were interesting though.

Third day;
everyone missed the alarm and woke up late! supposed to wake up at 6am but ended waking up at 6.45am. Rushed for a shower, changed into the uniform and left to the lobby. Lucky thing I packed everything the night before, or else I'd be in a mess! Checked out at the reception, put our luggages in the room provided and went for breakfast. After that sessions continued, all you see in the hall is most people falling asleep whether sitting or putting the head on the table, all worn out on the night before. We had the closing ceremony, and left by bus after lunch at 3pm. I'm glad we are almost done with the tie pins! :) Reached Kuantan at around 8pm, I slept all the way in the bus, I didn't even know if the bus had stopped at anywhere, deadly asleep!
Overall it was great! Got to know a lot of friends, had fun, I enjoyed it :) & I can see everyone else enjoyed it as well because they had been posting status about it and all. One of us even created a page 'I went to 42nd District Conference'! Amazinggggggggggggg! If next year's DIC doesn't clash with SPM, I'm definitely going!
I suddenly have many plans ;)
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