Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tagged by Suexian & Tiffany

1. What have you been doing recently?
:: school stuff

2. Do you ever turn your handphone off?
:: yes

3. What happened at 10am today?
:: recess time in school

4. When did you last cry?
:: hmmmmm can't recall

5. Believe in Fate/Destiny?
:: Yeap

6. What do you want in life now?
:: moneyyyyyyyyyy

7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or put up your hood?
:: put up my hood?

8. What's your favourite thing to do in bed?
:: listening to iPod & reading mag.

9. What bottoms are you wearing now?
:: shorts

10. What are the nicest things in your inbox?
:: nothing nice actually

11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
:: of course not

12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
:: nopey

13. What was the last movie you caught?
:: Hotel for Dogs!!!!!

14. What are you proud of?
:: not much

15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say and who is it from?
:: *checking* oh from Evonne telling me the time for tennis haha

16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
:: nobody's home!

17. Do you have any nicknames?
:: YES! nicole flying, created by Xing Hui! ==

18. What does the newest text message say and who is it from?
:: from edmund asking who suggested that the party should be held at his house hah

19. What time did you sleep last night?
:: 12 something

20. Are you currently happy?
:: no. more to frustrated

21. Who gives you the best advice?
:: my classmates!!!!

22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?

23. Who did you talked to on the phone last night?
:: none

24. Is something bugging you right now?
:: yes!!

25. Who is the last person to make you laugh?
:: one of the classmates. forgotten who.

26. Do you like yourself?
:: yes..

27. You want $5 or $10?
:: MORE!

28. Do you think you are stupid sometimes?
:: almost everytime

29. Who is your best best best friend?
:: Nicky!

30. What will you do if you like that boy?
:: what should I do?

31. Who are your favourite stars?
:: TAYLOR SWIFT!!! :):):)

32. You hate your mother sometimes in some ways?
:: i love her! she's the best :)

33. Do you had even stead before?
:: no?

34. What type of boy do you like?
:: sporty. cheerful. errrr i dunnooo

35. Now are you single/attached?
:: single!

Pass this tag to 10 people!
1- Raney
2- Suetyen
3- Evonne
4- XingHui
5- Mandy
6- Jasmine
7- Pei Tsuey
8- Yi Chen
9- Angeline
10- Yong Lin

1. Would you date number 5?
:: yes haha

2. Number 2 just got in a car crash. How do you react?
:: Panic!!

3. You see number 9 with your boy/girlfriend. What do you do?
:: nothing

4. You come home and and your room has been ransacked by number 4.

5. Number 1 is acting weird.
:: o.O

6. Numbers 3 & 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
:: cool haha

7. Number 7 just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
:: GREAT! :D

8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
:: hmm.

9. Number 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
:: bring me!!

10. You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
:: run together! lol

11. Number 7 and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he/her wrap his/her arm around you.
:: awwww xD

12. Number 5 asks you out to dinner.
:: awesome! hahaa

13. Number 9 and you are sitting on a bus.
:: we will be taking non stop hahah

14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of the night because he/she can't sleep.
:: talk to me! :)

15. You're walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
:: catfight! xd

16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
:: sayang her :)

17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.
:: HAHAHAHA! run for our life!

18. Number 4 comes to your door one day holding a koala.
:: awwwwwwwwwww!

19. Number 4 just got you an X-Box.
:: love him to bits! HAHAHA

20. Number 9 challenges you to a children's card game!
:: no problem! XD

21. Number 1 thinks he/she's overweight.
:: tell her she's not!!!

22. Number 7 looks lonely.
:: i'm available anytime hahaha

23. Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave her/him alone.
:: leave her and talk to her when she's calm

24. Numbers 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
:: YAY!! :D

25. Number 6 decide to dye his/her hair black. What do you say to that?
:: your hair is already black xD

26. Number 7 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where he/she went.
:: call her!

27. You catch number 9 by him/herself, crying.
:: never see her crying before.

28. Numbers 1, 3, 5 and 6 all tackle you at once. Is it possible?
:: maybe muahahaha xD

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